Author Interview with K. Aagard

by | Apr 12, 2024 | Author Life, Book Blog, Interviews | 0 comments

30 Days of Blogging continues! It’s currently day 12 and joining me on the blog is K. Aagard, an upcoming author of her debut novel, The Hunter of Fareldin: The Hunter. Her book launches in just a few days, so please help get the word out by sharing this interview, links to her book, and following her on social media. A huge thanks to K. Aagard for taking the time to answer my questions and I hope you will all enjoy her answers.

Eliza: Thank you so much for joining me on my blog today! I’m excited to learn more about your upcoming novel, The Hunter of Fareldin: The Hunter. When does your book come out?

K. Aagard: Thank you for having me! My book comes out April 15th.

Eliza: One of my favorite questions to ask is: who is your favorite character to write and why?

K. Aagard: I love writing the banter between Strider and Addy. But my favorite character to write for is Greer. He was based on my late dog, so I have a little piece of him in my book. His antics on the page bring a smile to my face.

Eliza: How long have you been writing The Hunter of Fareldin?

K. Aagard: I started writing The Hunter of Fareldin in 2019. The first draft took 2 months to write and was over 198k words. Many rewrites and edits later I finally have a book to share with people!

Eliza: How would you rank the following, in order of difficulty (for you, personally): outlining, writing, editing, publishing, and marketing?

K. Aagard: Outlining and writing are by far the easiest for me. Editing I would place in the middle though it has taken the biggest part of my adventure as a writer. Publishing and marketing share the spot as most difficult for me one due to the learning curve, the other due to me being an introvert so putting myself out there is absolutely terrifying!

Eliza: On top of being a talented writer, you also make gorgeous metal bookmarks. How did you get into making them?

K. Aagard: Thank you so much! I actually make jewelry, so the jump to making bookmarks wasn’t a huge one. I’d been trying to find a specific kind of bookmark for a book I’d been reading when it occurred to me that I could make one. One became ten, ten became twenty, and so on!

Eliza: You are a lifelong reader of fantasy. What book or author is your favorite?

K. Aagard: That is a hard one as I drift from favorite to favorite as a new book captures my heart. One series that will remain special though is The Septimus Heap Series by Angie Sage. Its first book, Magyk, was my first book. It hooked me and I’ve been reading fantasy ever since.

Eliza: Which part of a story do you look forward to the most? For example, do you look for books with strong characters or amazing worldbuilding? Which part of the story feels the most important to you?

K. Aagard: I tend to get reeled in by character and atmosphere. While I love a good plot, it’s my attachment to the characters and the world that keeps me reading.

Eliza: We know that The Hunter of Fareldin is coming out in just a few days, so what is next for you? What are you working on now?

K. Aagard: I am currently working on book 2 of the series. It is actually halfway done now. I’m aiming to finish and polish the first draft this year, then it’s off to beta readers!

Thanks so much to K. Aagard for being featured on the blog today! I’m so excited for the launch of her debut novel.

You can learn more about The Hunter of Fareldin on K. Aagard’s website.

To find K. Aagard on socials, visit her Linktree.

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