Author Interview with Michelle M. Pillow

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Author Life, Interviews | 1 comment

Today, I’m chatting with Michelle M. Pillow! Michelle is a NY Times & USA Today Bestselling author with over 100 novels published! Michelle definitely has plenty of experience in both the Indie and Trad publishing worlds and I’m very grateful that she took the time to share some of that knowledge with all of us today. In this interview, we chat about creative marketing ideas, writing gripping book descriptions, and standing out in a world which is increasingly populated by AI books.

Eliza: Thank you so much for joining me today, Michelle! I have to say that right off the bat when I read the description for your latest novel, Merely Mortal, I was excited about the book. What’s the secret to writing descriptions that pull the reader in?

Michelle: Hi Eliza, thank you so much for having me! I’m thrilled to be here. 

I have to confess that I find writing descriptions to be one of the hardest parts of the job. I always try to capture the heart of the story and the emotions that drive the characters. I always joke that writers have a hard time shutting up. It took us 100k to tell the story, so it is mean to make us condense it into a paragraph. It’s about giving enough details to intrigue readers without giving away too much.

Book Description for Merely Mortal:

A gripping new first-person POV urban fantasy romance series by NY Times and USA Today bestselling author, Michelle M. Pillow.

All I want is a simple, normal life.

Unfortunately, normalcy is a luxury I can’t afford as a lowly human born into a powerful supernatural family embroiled in magic. They’ve always been quick to remind me that I have an expiration date. Imagine everyone’s surprise when it’s me standing above their graves, not the other way around.

The fire that took their lives wasn’t my fault, yet everyone is blaming me, especially the vampires. Now I have a target on my back and a bounty on my head. Without the protection of my family, I’m caught up in a tangled web of supernatural dynasties and arcane power struggles.

So when a handsome stranger and his young daughter take pity on me and offer me a ride, I don’t say no. It’s a mistake. One I hope doesn’t cost us all our lives.

Sometimes, being merely mortal really sucks.

Eliza: This book is an urban fantasy/paranormal romance, but you’ve written across multiple genres including sci-fi, cozy mystery, paranormal mystery, contemporary romance, and more. Is it challenging to find new readers in each genre? Do you notice a crossover between readers who love books that are in completely different genres (for example, do your cozy mystery readers also read your dark paranormal romance?)

Michelle: Great question! It can be challenging to find new readers in each genre because each has its own unique audience. However, I’ve been lucky to see a lot of crossovers. Many of my readers enjoy the variety and follow me across genres because they know they’ll get a story with rich world-building, strong characters, and a touch of romance. Some of my cozy mystery readers have dipped their toes into my paranormal romances, but I notice the opposite is usually truer. The spicier paranormal readers will try the cozies at a higher rate than vice versa. I think it’s all about the connection with the characters and the immersive worlds I try to create.

Eliza: You have the sequel to Merely Mortal, Mostly Shattered, available for pre-order. What is the benefit to launching a pre-order for a book and are there any downsides to pre-orders?

Michelle: Pre-orders are fantastic for building excitement and giving readers something to look forward to. They also help with the book’s visibility and stop reader emails asking when the next book is (not that I mind reader emails ☺ ). 

However, they come with the pressure of meeting deadlines and managing expectations. I always want to ensure that the quality of the book lives up to the anticipation, which can be a bit stressful but totally worth it when I see readers’ reactions.

Eliza: Let’s rewind the clock a bit to when you were a brand-new writer. What was your first book about and how long did it take you to write?

Michelle: Ah, the early days! My first published book was “The Mists of Midnight,” a gothic historical romance. It took me a while (I honestly can’t remember how long) to write because I was learning the ropes and balancing writing with other responsibilities. That book taught me so much about the writing process, and I still have a soft spot for it. Seeing it published was an absolute dream come true. It was, I believe, my 9th book written. Some of those first books still have never seen a reader’s screen.

Eliza: Which is the hardest for you? Writing, editing, formatting, or marketing? Why?

Michelle: Each part of the process has its own challenges, but marketing is probably the hardest. Writing and editing are creative processes that I love, even when they’re tough. Formatting is technical, and while it can be tedious, it’s straightforward. Marketing requires a different skill set—one that’s constantly evolving. It’s about finding the right strategies to connect with readers, and it can be tricky to balance self-promotion with creativity.

Eliza: On your website you have this fantastic post: Is Michelle M. Pillow Legit? Here, you let readers know that you don’t use AI or ghostwriters. I think this is a great idea and I might add a similar disclaimer to my own website. What inspired you to write this and has the popularization of AI books caused any challenges for you?

Michelle: That actually came from a popular Google Search for my name. So I thought I’d answer it. I wrote that post to assure my readers that what they’re getting is authentically me. With the rise of AI and ghostwriting, I felt it was important to be transparent about my process. I pour my heart and soul into every book, and I want my readers to know that. The challenge with AI books on the market is maintaining the trust and connection with readers. Authenticity is key, and I believe readers appreciate knowing that I’m personally crafting each story.

Eliza: I love the gorgeous art that you use for your social media posts. Where did you find your artist (or do you create these yourself?)

Michelle: I work with some incredibly talented artists who bring my vision to life. I’ve found them through various platforms and recommendations from fellow authors. Merely Mortal’s cover art was from an artist I found through Facebook. I create a lot of graphics myself, and I’ve made a few of my covers over the years. I also have artistic family and friends I have leaned on for things in the past. As a photographer, I have a pretty decent knowledge of Photoshop and other programs.

Eliza: You have a lot of creative marketing efforts, even making your book cover a digital puzzle (my time was 6:13, by the way!) What is the most effective marketing strategy that you have used?

Michelle: That’s awesome! LOL I think my time is currently like 34 days and counting. I always get distracted. The digital puzzle was a fun way to engage readers and make the cover interactive. I have crossword puzzles, coloring pages, and word searches for readers, too. I like giving them fun, free games. 

The most effective strategy, though, has been building a strong, engaged community. Whether through my newsletter, social media, or reader events, creating a space where readers feel connected and valued has made a huge difference. Reader recommendations and word-of-mouth are invaluable. I would be nowhere without my readers.

Eliza: What is next for you? Any upcoming books or events that you would like to share?

Michelle: I’m so excited about Mostly Shattered, the sequel to Merely Mortal. As you mentioned, it’s available for pre-order, and I can’t wait for readers to continue Tamara’s journey. I’m also working on new projects across various genres, so there’s always something new in the works.

Eliza: Thanks again for taking the time to answer all my questions. Please let people know where to find you and your books!

Michelle: It’s been a pleasure, Eliza! Thank you for having me. Readers can find my books on my website and on all major book retailers. For updates, fun content, and more, follow me on social media:


Instagram: @MichelleMPillow 

Twitter: @MichellePillow 

Facebook: @AuthorMichellePillow 

Tiktok: @MichelleMPillow


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September 2024

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