by Eliza | Jul 21, 2021 | Author Life, Zeze
I have been daydreaming about creating merch related to one of my books since I wrote the first Leslie Kim serial back in 2017. I am beyond thrilled that I finally have the opportunity to share this with you! I spent some time designing some t-shirts, sweatshirts, and...
by Eliza | Jul 18, 2021 | Author Life, Book Blog, Interviews, Writing, Zeze
Q&A with Eliza Stopps A few days ago, I launched The Disappearance of Susannah Dane on Kindle Vella. This is a brand new platform, so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but the response has been awesome! I’ve had quite a few emails and...
by Eliza | Jul 16, 2021 | Book Blog, Writing, Zeze
How My Story is Doing on Kindle Vella On July 14, Kindle Vella officially launched! The first 11 episodes of The Disappearance of Susannah Dane went live and it was pretty amazing. At launch, my story was ranking about #110 in the story and from there it continued to...
by Eliza | May 31, 2021 | Marketing, Publishing, Writing, Zeze
What is Kindle Vella? First, let’s start off by explaining what Kindle Vella is. Right now, it is not available for readers, but Amazon says that within the next few months, we will be reading amazing serialized stories off our phones. It’s going to be a...
by Eliza | Apr 27, 2021 | Book Reviews
Best Kids Books for Ages 0-2 These books are for babies, but for the sake of search terms, we are calling them kids. Littles at this stage are probably not reading to themselves. I think the key with this age group is to find books that are engaging for young readers...