by Eliza | Oct 23, 2020 | Author Life, Leslie Kim Serials, Writing
What is a Grootslang? For the Leslie Kim Serials, I wanted a mixture of fantasy and science fiction elements. The fantasy part comes in to play with the Mythical creatures that Leslie hunts. He’s a monster hunter turned private investigator. In serial #101, he is...
by Eliza | Oct 22, 2020 | Book Blog, Leslie Kim Serials, Science Fiction, Writing
The other day, I was watching Spaceballs with my husband. In the scene where Lone Starr and Barf are introduced, they show Lone Starr’s ship, Eagle 5, which is an old motor home with wings. You can witness this thing of beauty here, if you haven’t seen the...
by Eliza | Oct 21, 2020 | Author Life, Publishing, Writing
Naming Your eBook One very challenging piece of self publishing is choosing a name. Everyone says that you want it to be relevant to the book, something that gives you a clue about what happens in the book, and you want it to be memorable. I tried to do that with...
by Eliza | Oct 20, 2020 | Leslie Kim Serials, Science Fiction
Who is Tai Reed? If you’ve read Leslie Kim #101, you might be wondering about Tai Reed. She’s a side character in the story, described mostly as Leslie’s ex- girlfriend. If you haven’t read #101 then keep in mind there are some spoilers in this post. Tai is also...
by Eliza | Oct 19, 2020 | Publishing, Writing
This post is a repost from Filles Vertes Publishing, posted with permission here. This post was originally written by me and posted on their platform. A Small Press May Not be Right for You If… Perhaps you are considering submitting to a small press publisher. You can...