What is a Grootslang?

What is a Grootslang? For the Leslie Kim Serials, I wanted a mixture of fantasy and science fiction elements. The fantasy part comes in to play with the Mythical creatures that Leslie hunts. He’s a monster hunter turned private investigator. In serial #101, he is...

Choosing a Name for Your eBook!

Naming Your eBook One very challenging piece of self publishing is choosing a name. Everyone says that you want it to be relevant to the book, something that gives you a clue about what happens in the book, and you want it to be memorable. I tried to do that with...

Who is Tai Reed? LK Serials #101

Who is Tai Reed? If you’ve read Leslie Kim #101, you might be wondering about Tai Reed. She’s a side character in the story, described mostly as Leslie’s ex- girlfriend. If you haven’t read #101 then keep in mind there are some spoilers in this post. Tai is also...

A Small Press May Not Be Right For You If…

This post is a repost from Filles Vertes Publishing, posted with permission here. This post was originally written by me and posted on their platform. A Small Press May Not be Right for You If… Perhaps you are considering submitting to a small press publisher. You can...

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