Best Free SciFi Books for Kindle Readers!

by | Mar 2, 2021 | Book Blog, Science Fiction | 0 comments

I’ve been reading a lot of sci-fi books lately and while I haven’t read these books yet, I’m adding them to my TBR pile. What I was looking for was specifically eBooks on Kindle, so all of these links will be from Amazon. I have a Kindle Paperwhite (which I’m constantly mispronouncing as Paper-Weight… Just me?) and I love it. But I also use the Amazon Kindle app on my phone. If you only read free books on the app, you will love this list.

All of the books on the list are free as of writing this, but of course, that could change at any time. Leave a comment if you are reading any of these yourself!

Savage Stars

This is actually an anthology of series starters from seven different authors. I think the marketing plan here is to get you sucked into one (or all) of the books, so this anthology should be free for some time! I have been curious about trying out a few of these authors, so I think this will be a nice way for me to jump into their works. For example, I’ve listened to Joe Lallo’s podcasts for like half-a-decade and still haven’t read one of his books. Grab Savage Stars here.

The Complete Void Wraith Saga

This is another anthology, but these books are all by Chris Fox. I gotta be honest, I am going to grab this because I’m really curious about Chris Fox. The guy claims to make seven figures a year from writing, and a lot of his reviews are very polarized. It seems like a lot of people feel like he writes complete garbage that is successfully only due to market manipulation and others say he’s a literary genius. So, to satisfy my curiosity on whether he’s legit or not, I am very interested to try one of these out. You can grab the Saga here.

Time Trap

Time Trap is a YA sci-fi, that claims to be a mix between Isaac Asimov and the Hunger Games. Those are big shoes to fill, but it has great reviews, so I decided to give it a try. You can too, right here.

Maverick Gambit

This book has an interesting premise, great cover art, and if it is free with great reviews then it is truly good. I am excited to try this one out! You can pick it up here.

Fall to Earth

This one had decidedly mixed reviews, so this one might be great or it might suck. But I like the cover and the premise sounds promising. The main character is a sword-wielding (or fencing?) woman on a mission, which sounds like something right up my alley. I’m looking forward to throwing my opinion in the pile. You can grab Fall to Earth here.

I’d be terrible at marketing if I didn’t also mention my free science fiction book. Set in the near future, The Departure, is packed with bounty hunters, Vampires, and the race to space. You can grab it for free when you sign up for my newsletter!


March 2025


March 2025

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