Let’s Talk About Books

The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell [Book Review]

Hey guys! Today, I'm sharing a review of the 2nd book in the The Family Upstairs series by Lisa Jewell. I reviewed The Family Upstairs back in November and I actually read this book shortly after finishing the first one, but I didn't get around to writing the review...

The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell [Book Review]

I'm finally returning with another book review! And honestly, I have quite a few reviews that are waiting for me to write them. And it isn't that I'm not writing -- I am -- but I've been busy writing books and I've been reading lots of books but I haven't been writing...

Kindle Vella is Over + Other Updates

Amazon Announces Kindle Vella is Cancelled Yesterday (Oct. 28, 2024), I received an email from Amazon announcing that they are ending the Kindle Vella program. The program will continue to wind down from now until February 2025, with November 2024 being the last month...
Recent Reads: A Dog Named Christmas

Recent Reads: A Dog Named Christmas

This particular book was not mentioned on my TBR list for the year, but I happened to come across the audiobook, which was only about 3 hours long, and I decided to give it a try. I am a sucker for sappy books and movies that involve horses and dogs, so I figured why...

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Books I DNF in 2021

Books I DNF in 2021

I haven’t posted a lot of reviews this year, and I think that is in part because I started and didn’t complete quite a few books. I thought it might be interesting to review which books those are, why I didn’t finish them, and if I intend to keep reading. DNF = Did NOT Finish

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Paper Wife by Laila Ibrahim [Book Review]

Paper Wife by Laila Ibrahim [Book Review]

I picked this one up for free, as a book available through Prime Reading, and listened to the audiobook on Audible.
I like historical fiction, so I was interested in this story which takes place in the 1920s in both a small village in China and later in San Francisco and Oakland, California.
The book follows Mei Ling, a young (18 at the beginning of the story) woman who is sold by her parents to a Chinese man living in California.

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Top 10 Twitter Marketing Tips For Authors

Top 10 Twitter Marketing Tips For Authors

If you’re an author who is looking to grow their Twitter following, you probably have a lot of questions. What types of posts get the most impressions? How often can you buy links to your books? What kind of content can you reasonably schedule ahead of time? I’ll answer those questions and more in this post. Here are my top 10 marketing tips for authors on Twitter.

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