Let’s Talk About Books

The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell [Book Review]

Hey guys! Today, I'm sharing a review of the 2nd book in the The Family Upstairs series by Lisa Jewell. I reviewed The Family Upstairs back in November and I actually read this book shortly after finishing the first one, but I didn't get around to writing the review...

The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell [Book Review]

I'm finally returning with another book review! And honestly, I have quite a few reviews that are waiting for me to write them. And it isn't that I'm not writing -- I am -- but I've been busy writing books and I've been reading lots of books but I haven't been writing...

Kindle Vella is Over + Other Updates

Amazon Announces Kindle Vella is Cancelled Yesterday (Oct. 28, 2024), I received an email from Amazon announcing that they are ending the Kindle Vella program. The program will continue to wind down from now until February 2025, with November 2024 being the last month...

Be the Boss of Your Morning

This is a repost from Filles Vertes Publishing, posted with permission here. This post was originally written by me and posted on their platform. Be the Boss of Your Morning You wake up to the sound of your alarm blaring at 5 am. You manage to roll out of bed and...

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Why I Write Short Fiction

I know I’m not the only writer that has many characters and many stories floating around in my head at the same time. When I get an idea for a character, I will sit down and write them into a scene. It doesn’t have to be a book or even an idea for a book. I just plop...

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What is an Undine?

Diving In to Leslie Kim #101 In this post, I’m going to chat a bit about the mythical creature, the Undine, that is featured in Leslie Kim Serial #101. When I was researching interesting mythical creatures, I came across the Undine. I certainly did not make it up. The...

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What is a Grootslang?

What is a Grootslang? For the Leslie Kim Serials, I wanted a mixture of fantasy and science fiction elements. The fantasy part comes in to play with the Mythical creatures that Leslie hunts. He’s a monster hunter turned private investigator. In serial #101, he is...

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Choosing a Name for Your eBook!

Naming Your eBook One very challenging piece of self publishing is choosing a name. Everyone says that you want it to be relevant to the book, something that gives you a clue about what happens in the book, and you want it to be memorable. I tried to do that with...

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A Small Press May Not Be Right For You If…

This post is a repost from Filles Vertes Publishing, posted with permission here. This post was originally written by me and posted on their platform. A Small Press May Not be Right for You If… Perhaps you are considering submitting to a small press publisher. You can...

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NaNoWriMo 2020 Worldbuilding FREE Worksheet

Worldbuilding A few days ago, I posted a worksheet on Character. I wanted to give another quick worksheet on Worldbuilding. These are super simple worksheets that you can use as a brainstorming activity. Or print them out and keep them in a binder with all the other...

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February 2025


Press Kit

Works By Eliza

The Leslie Kim Serials

Barnaby & Clovis

Free Story: Korey Brookes, CIA

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