Let’s Talk About Books

The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell [Book Review]

Hey guys! Today, I'm sharing a review of the 2nd book in the The Family Upstairs series by Lisa Jewell. I reviewed The Family Upstairs back in November and I actually read this book shortly after finishing the first one, but I didn't get around to writing the review...

The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell [Book Review]

I'm finally returning with another book review! And honestly, I have quite a few reviews that are waiting for me to write them. And it isn't that I'm not writing -- I am -- but I've been busy writing books and I've been reading lots of books but I haven't been writing...

Kindle Vella is Over + Other Updates

Amazon Announces Kindle Vella is Cancelled Yesterday (Oct. 28, 2024), I received an email from Amazon announcing that they are ending the Kindle Vella program. The program will continue to wind down from now until February 2025, with November 2024 being the last month...

3 Submission Mistakes to Avoid

3 Submission Mistakes to Avoid I worked at a small press as a marketing manager in 2018. But before I worked there, I was actually an intern. I got the opportunity to read submissions and analyze them at that company and it was a really great opportunity for me. I had...

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Recent Reads: Self Help, YA Fantasy | Part Two

In my last post, I talked about the first two books that I read this month. I talked about #SavvyBusinessOwner and If You Tell, a Non-Fiction/Self-Help novel and True Crime novel, respectively. I guess I’m kind of on a self-help kick, because the next book I read was...

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Recent Reads: Non-Fiction, True Crime | Part One

What does a cute self help book about a woman who started a dog-related business AND a horrible true crime novel about a woman who tortured people have in common? Absolutely nothing. Except that I read them both within a few days of each other. So, here are my random...

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NaNoWriMo 2020 FREE Resources Round Up

NanoWriMo Preptober Resource Round Up: This post is just as much for me as it is for you. Over the last 4 years of doing Nano, I’ve run into some really amazing (free) resources around the internet. So, I’d like to put them all in one list so that as we get ready for...

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February 2025


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Barnaby & Clovis

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