Dead Manuscripts from My Year of Writing

My Year of Writing Starting in Nanowrimo 2016 until June 2017, I wrote just over 243,000 words, give or take.Nanowrimo 2017 I wanted to share with you about some of my Manuscripts that I’ve completed but haven’t done anything with them. One of them was poorly received...

Recent Reads: Self Help, YA Fantasy | Part Two

In my last post, I talked about the first two books that I read this month. I talked about #SavvyBusinessOwner and If You Tell, a Non-Fiction/Self-Help novel and True Crime novel, respectively. I guess I’m kind of on a self-help kick, because the next book I read was...

Recent Reads: Non-Fiction, True Crime | Part One

What does a cute self help book about a woman who started a dog-related business AND a horrible true crime novel about a woman who tortured people have in common? Absolutely nothing. Except that I read them both within a few days of each other. So, here are my random...

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