by Eliza | Oct 28, 2020 | Book Blog, Leslie Kim Serials, Science Fiction
Please note that any links within this post may be affiliate links. This means I earn a commission on qualifying sales at no extra cost to you. 5 Books to Read if you liked Mythical Investigations Do you enjoy cozy mysteries set in space? Spy thrillers with a twist?...
by Eliza | Oct 22, 2020 | Book Blog, Leslie Kim Serials, Science Fiction, Writing
The other day, I was watching Spaceballs with my husband. In the scene where Lone Starr and Barf are introduced, they show Lone Starr’s ship, Eagle 5, which is an old motor home with wings. You can witness this thing of beauty here, if you haven’t seen the...
by Eliza | Oct 17, 2020 | Book Blog, Nanowrimo, Writing
My Year of Writing Starting in Nanowrimo 2016 until June 2017, I wrote just over 243,000 words, give or take.Nanowrimo 2017 I wanted to share with you about some of my Manuscripts that I’ve completed but haven’t done anything with them. One of them was poorly received...
by Eliza | Oct 14, 2020 | #cover reveal, Leslie Kim Serials, Publishing, Science Fiction
I am so excited to announce that I have finished the second book in the Leslie Kim Serials. You can see the beautiful cover below: The Gnome Situation (Leslie Kim Serials Book 2) This book has been a long time coming. I’ve talked about my editing journey with this...
by Eliza | Oct 13, 2020 | Book Blog
In my last post, I talked about the first two books that I read this month. I talked about #SavvyBusinessOwner and If You Tell, a Non-Fiction/Self-Help novel and True Crime novel, respectively. I guess I’m kind of on a self-help kick, because the next book I read was...
by Eliza | Oct 12, 2020 | Book Blog
What does a cute self help book about a woman who started a dog-related business AND a horrible true crime novel about a woman who tortured people have in common? Absolutely nothing. Except that I read them both within a few days of each other. So, here are my random...