Benefits of a Publishing Internship

It can be daunting to think of sacrificing your time for 6 months – 1 year on an unpaid internship. There will be times when you want to curl up with the new Netflix series and you have a list of tasks you have to attend to for an unpaid job. So, why should you...

Should You Rush to Write the First Draft?

Should you rush to write the first draft? Let me begin this blog post by saying that I have lived by the idea that writers should just get their crappy first draft over with and stop worrying about it so much. I have dedicated several Novembers to NaNoWriMo for this...

Supporting other Bloggers

It can be a tough world out there for book bloggers. They get hate thrown at them for their reviews or even black listed by publishers if their honesty means less sales. When I first started blogging on this site, it was mostly about my individual journey on...

Author Interview with Naomi Aoki

I recently got in touch with Naomi Aoki. She is the author of The Yakuza and the English Teacher series, which consists of three books. She is self-published so I asked her a little bit about that as well as her writing methods. From her Amazon author bio: “She...

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