Episode 7 Discussion: The Boy We All Forgot

by | Jun 21, 2024 | Book Blog, Zeze | 0 comments

Episode 7: Everything Good

This week’s episode follows Paige and Taylor as they explore the grounds of the allegedly haunted Ainsworth Manor.

I wanted to share a little bit of behind-the-scenes details with this one. So, I listen to my fair share of crime podcasts and I’ve heard everything from podcasters who are super respectful to the victims to podcasters that sensationalize every aspect and almost glorify what happened.

The idea for this book actually began with Taylor and the idea that she would be running some sort of crime-adjacent podcast. Originally, I was going to have Paige still working out of Ainsworth Manor and working with clients. Then this group of podcasters move into one of the offices next door and they clash over the way that the podcasters present the stories.

There are a few reasons that I changed the story. For one, I didn’t want to write another book that takes place directly after the last one. I wanted there to be a little bit of a break and allow some time for Paige to have grown up a bit. And it also makes sense because I’m publishing this book a few years after the last one. And there are a few real-world logistic things that I had to consider. Is it realistic for Paige to be operating a business without the proper license? Are there enough people in Ecola Bay to justify a private investigator? What are Paige’s long-term goals for her life and her career? Ultimately, I decided that it made more sense for Paige to get some experience under her belt working for someone else in a city (Portland, OR) than it does for her to figure things out on her own as a fresh high school graduate.

I also chose to include the storyline about David because Paige has a reputation, at this point, for choosing men who are either a little toxic or way too old for her. Her relationship with David is a good reason for her to have been avoiding her family during this time, as well, because she’s ashamed to admit that she’s dating a guy who could be her dad.

So, how does Taylor fit into it? Well, since Paige was already in Portland and doing her own thing, I figured it would make sense for her to have a roommate or two. And of course, they are college students because who else is going to be splitting a tiny apartment among three people? (I guess that could be any of us nowadays… with the way housing prices are going!)

In Episode 7, Paige is definitely starting to butt heads with Taylor about the way she is presenting the unsolved mystery of Ainsworth Manor. When Taylor starts to push things too far, they face unforeseen consequences.

Don’t forget to vote on the poll at the end of the episode!

Episode 7 is free to read, so you can hop in and enjoy this story without paying a dime. Be sure to like and comment if The Boy We All Forgot is your vibe.



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