Back in October, I posted that I was going to be participating in NaNoWriMo again this year. I had good intentions and absolutely thought I’d at least make it through a rough edit of my manuscript. I did not.
In fact, I think I worked on my manuscript a grand total of two or three times. I love the story and I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what will happen next. But when it comes to sitting down and writing it?
I just haven’t had time.
Yeah, I’m using it. The unforgivable excuse. But it’s true. I didn’t dedicate the time needed to complete the project and then the month literally slipped away.
It is also true that IΒ could’veΒ made time for NaNo, if I wanted to. Instead, I focused on work and family and making the best damn apple bacon stuffing I’ve ever had.
I have written every single day. Some days I might even write 4,000 words. I write blog posts, copy for advertisements, marketing plans, and emails. I write all stinking day. It’s no secret that a career in publishing is the quickest way to stunt your personal writing career.
That might be a little dramatic but it does seem to have a ring of truth to it. Most people that work in publishing are also writers and readers. But it can be hard to still find time to readΒ for fun or write your own books. That isn’t to say that working in publishing isn’t amazing, because it is, it just means I’m more likely to work on someone else’s manuscript than my own.
I didn’t finish NaNo (or even come close). As I write this, I am realizing that I should probably challenge myself with reading a book a month or something in 2019… If you’re doing a reading or writing challenge in the coming year, share it in the comments below. I might just join you.
Best wishes!