NaNoWriMo 2020 & Dragon Bounty Cover Reveal
I’m done! I finished the last book in the Leslie Kim Serials (for now). Yesterday, #102 launched so I’m hoping to release this one as soon as the editing is done. I always go over my work a few time on my own and then send it to my editor and then go through it again aaaannnd my goal is to try and release this before the end of the year. That would be so awesome.

As you can see, I had a bumpy road to the finish. I had not written in like four days before I sat down and just finished the whole thing. I was able to finish it all by writing down what the remaining plot points were (there were four things I wanted to cover) and when I had an idea, I just ran back to my laptop and wrote it out. I ended up writing almost 4,000 words in one day which is highly unusual for me. So, I didn’t write it all in one session. It was like 400 words in the beginning of the day and eventually worked up to almost 2,000, then came back to it later in the day and finished the rest.
Now, onto the editing!
Here is the cover for Dragon Bounty, Leslie Kim Serial #103: