Weekly Total: 2,422 words
Nov 6, 443 words
Nov 7, 362 words
Nov 9, 342 words
Nov 12, 968 words
Nov 14, 307 words
It’s been a rough week, you guys. 2,422 words is a miniscule number for a weekly total, for me. In previous years, I’ve written that much every day, with ease. So, what’s different? I think I’m more aware of how I’m structuring this book. I’m a little more thoughtful about what I’m writing. I recently got one of my other books back from the editor, so I’ve been taking her notes about grammar into consideration while I’m writing. I am usually a pretty fast writer, but I’ve been a little more methodical this time around.
I think this is probably the cleanest manuscript I’ve ever written. I had a pretty extensive outline because it’s the third in my series, so it is closing up some loose threads. I don’t want to leave anything up in the air. I’ve been doing this thing where I basically write the scene in my head while I’m out exercising or doing the dishes. I try to work through any potential issues so that when I sit down to write, I have a really clear idea of what I’m going to write. You would think this would make me write faster, but apparently not.
The good news is, even though I’m writing slowly, I only have 5,587 words left until I reach my word goal. I think I’ll be able to wrap up the last few plot points in that amount of time and I’m really pleased with the story. I’m excited for this upcoming week!