Episode 2 of The Boy We All Forgot goes live today! Yay! By the way, it’s free for everyone to read on Kindle Vella. Please read & like!
In this episode, Paige is at your typical house party with her two roommates, Taylor and Grayson. The consequences from Episode 1 are weighing heavily on Paige, but Taylor and Grayson are hatching a plan to bring up her spirits. (Perhaps using spirits – both spiritual and liquid forms.)

Shoutout to the DD!~
It can be hard being in your twenties! I’m currently 29, so I think I can attest to that. Paige is definitely not making the best choices ever but she’s trying. Thank goodness Grayson is around to be the designated driver and also to nudge Paige out of her self-pity party.
If Casting Shadows Were a Real Paranormal Podcast:

I would totally listen to it.
At the end of the episode, there is a short poll so please vote on that! Next week’s episode will be from the perspective of our favorite Sheriff’s Deputy: Wills Miller.
Thank you for reading!