The Leslie Kim Serials Book 4 is Finally Here!

Yay! I’m so excited to let everyone know that book #4 in The Leslie Kim Serials, The Bayou has just been released. I’ve been working on The Bayou for a long time, so it is so exciting to see it finally hit the digital shelves.

The Bayou is launching into Kindle Unlimited, so you can read it for free through KU or purchase the eBook for $2.99 and the paperback for $8.99.

Book Description:

Leslie Kim has returned to Earth, along with the Kapatonian rebel leader, Verna, and a half-Vampire girl named Victoria. The three of them have lived in hiding at Leslie’s childhood home. Life is not quite domestic bliss, but it certainly beats chasing down monsters on Kapaton.

Leslie begins working for his old boss and agrees to hunt down an elusive river monster that is eating fishermen in the bayous of Georgia. Forced into taking care of Victoria, he travels with the girl and her dragon companion across the country in search of the mysterious monster.

When Leslie discovers that someone is hunting him, he must rely on new allies to help keep Victoria safe.

This action-packed science fiction mystery is the 4th book in The Leslie Kim Serials.

Click here to find The Bayou on Amazon!

Thank You!

If you are one of the sweet fans of The Leslie Kim Serials who has been waiting for the book since I did the cover reveal back in March, I want to thank you for your patience,

And for those of you that have asked me about when the next book would get released since I launched Dragon Bounty back in 2020, thank you for your patience as well. I know how much it sucks when a series you like goes on hiatus and I love writing these books. Hopefully, the next one doesn’t take me two years to release πŸ˜‰


March 2025


March 2025

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