Final Word Count: 22,450.
So, I didn’t finish this year. I intended to reach about 35,000 words this month, which is already lower than the 50,000 that Nano calls for, and I didn’t make it.
I had to essentially plot as I wrote each scene which slowed things down considerably, because I had not really prepared much for Nanowrimo before I began.
One thing that I am proud of is that I did write almost every day, even if it was only a few hundred words. I said before in an update that I wasn’t going to be hard on myself for not finishing this year and I won’t be. Just yesterday I wrote about 4200 words, which is almost double what I usually do in a day. As the story has progressed, I have continued to stay interested in it and I hope that means the reader will too.
I am going to finish this book in December. I only have 12,550 words left to write, which I could do in a week if I planned it out well.
I have two more projects lined up for December and January, so there is still pressure to get this done on time.
Another thing that also slowed me down was that I, for some reason, decided to do critique swaps in the middle of the month. It is a little difficult to write while also critiquing someone else’s manuscripts, but I don’t regret doing it. I have learned a lot from the people I have read and who have read my work. The book I had them critique is the second book in my science fiction serial and the response has been much more positive than I expected. I do have a few things to tidy up on it still before I start contacting editors, but I am pleased with the overall reactions.
I have done a lot of work this month, for my own manuscripts and for my friends. I am not a Nanowrimo finisher for 2017 but I am a better writer.
If you are interested in the first book of the science fiction serial mentioned above, click on any of the links below.