“Works” in Progress Update

In this post, I’m going to give a quick update on some of the projects I’m working on. Possibly one will become my NaNoWriMo project for 2020. I’m getting ready to set up the pre-order for Leslie Kim #102. Now that I’ve finished that long-awaited project, what comes next?
Leslie Kim Serial #103
This is another book that I actually have written once before. However, when I did my rewrite of LK #102, I made some major changes to the storyline. So, some characters that featured prominently in the original #103 manuscript won’t be in it (because they died!)
My plan for the serials has always been to make #101-103 be part of their own larger arching story line. Almost like one season of a TV show. The characters have been spending their time on Kapaton, so I want to finish up their time there and move on to bigger, better things.
Free Short Story Prequel
I have also been writing a little novelette prequel to the Leslie Kim serials. It isn’t entirely from Leslie’s perspective, so I don’t want to make it one of the series, but I am thinking about using it as a free giveaway for when I set up my email list. I have almost finished writing this. So, after another 5,000 words or so it’ll go into the editing stages.
Vixen Parallels
I wrote a Young Adult Fantasy book for my NaNoWriMo 2016. That manuscript had a good idea, but I was mostly pantsing it and the actual book turned out pretty messy. I’d like to revisit this manuscript now that I have more experience. I recently thought up a new way to tell the story, so I might just try and rewrite the entire thing and go from there. The manuscript would need a lot of work, so I don’t think I’ll try to save much from the original.
I plan to choose just one of these projects for Nano, but I’m not settled on which one I’ll do. I might just wait until I get closer to the date and see what I’m feeling!